Why restore an organ? How do you test the pipes? We've got the answers you were looking for.
1 - "Why now?"
The Immaculée-Conception organ was built over 50 years ago. It is one of the most beautiful and important organs in the province: there have been hundreds of concerts, recordings and thousands of hours of practice from organists ranging from international artists to organ students.
With time, the state of the organ was deteriorating. We're giving the organ some much-needed TLC!
Juget-Sinclair will work meticulously so it sings again soon. These organ-builders are specialists of high-quality mechanical organs.
2 - "How do they repare pipes?"
Ever wonder how pipes are repaired and tested? Robin Côté shows you how they do it in this 50 second video. (In French only)
3 - "Where does the organ go to get restored?"
Weighing 4 500 kilos, it would be nearly impossible to move an organ like that! Juget-Sinclair builders are working on site in the organ loft and will be staying there until the inauguration, on November 16th.