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Dear friends of the CIOC,

It is with deep sadness that we share news of the death of CIOC founding Chairman, M. E. Noël Spinelli, C.M., C.Q. (December 29, 1927 – October 16, 2020).

His passionate devotion to the arts, and his instinctive business acumen, laid the foundations for our organization in 2006. In 2017 we began awarding the Noel Spinelli Prize for the best overall program during our international competition, and the final round of the 2020 competition was originally scheduled to held at Notre-Dame Basilica on October 16th. This prize will now have added significance when we award it in October 2021. His love of music and of life set the tone for so much of what the CIOC stands for; we will work hard to bring honour to his legacy, and continue to be a mantle to his memory for many years to come. On behalf of the CIOC staff, board of directors, past competitors and jury members, volunteers, patrons and supporters, we express our sincere sympathies and condolences to his family.
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