Founded in 2011, Montreal-based One Equall Musick is a collaborative vocal ensemble dedicated to the programming and interpretation of high quality repertoire from the fifteenth-century to the present day. OEM has appeared in the Montreal Bach Festival alongside celebrated organist Hans-Ola Ericsson and in Lennoxville, QC as part of the Uplands Musical Society Concert Series. The ensemble maintains a strong interest in historical performance practice and scholarship and has produced both a concert and archival recording of little-known works for mens’ voices from the Wanley and Lumley manuscripts. OEM has also worked with the McGill Centre for Research on Religion to present a series of historical Evensong services at Birks Chapel. OEM enjoys collaborating with other ensembles and has shared the stage with the medieval vocal ensemble Scholastica, Compagnie Baroque Mont-Royal, the Syrian music group Ensemble Zaman, Ensemble Séfarade et Méditerannéan, ¡Sacabuche! and Earth World Collaborative.
Musicians (Divine Liturgy)
William Duffy, countertenor
Varuzhan Margaryan
Joel Peters, organ
Charlotte Corwin
Carole LeDez
Ellen Torrie
Emily Wall
Alexandra Asher
Charlotte Cumberbirch
Kristen De Marchi
Anna Lewton-Brain
Phil Dutton
Chenuka Lakwijaya
Arthur Tanguay-Labrosse
Patricia Yates
Martin Auclair
John Giffen
Thomas Jodoin-Fontaine
William Kraushaar