Since graduating from the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal with top honors in organ, harpsichord and chamber music, Yves-G. Préfontaine has worked to spread the joy of music at high school, university and college levels, including establishing the Music Department at Cégep Marie-Victorin, where he served as director for ten years and taught for 27. His work as an organist has taken him to some of the most prestigious venues over the years, and as a harpsichordist he has performed the complete works of François Couperin, Jean-Philippe Rameau and Jean-Henry d’Anglebert for Montreal audiences.
He was maître de chapelle and titular organist of the great French-Classical Guilbault-Thérien organ at the Grand Séminaire de Montréal for 26 years, and has been organist at the Sanctuaire Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs since the installation of the mechanical-action Casavant organ in 1966. With a French colleague, he instituted a summer organ course in the Bernese Jura, Switzerland, nearly fifteen years ago. He is also the founder of the Festival des Couleurs de l’orgue français, which has been running annually since 1995, and of the Orgue en Mai recital series at the Sanctuaire. He can be heard on Radio VM every Wednesday afternoon, and his discography can be found at Atmaclassique.com.